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Medical Surveilence

Employees get exposed to various hazards in the workplace and over time they may develop complications as a result of exposure to hazardous conditions. Medical surveillance is the systematic coordinated assessment of employees exposed or potentially exposed to occupational hazards and related risks. This assessment monitors individuals for adverse health effects and determines the effectiveness of exposure prevention strategies.

A medical surveillance program includes the analysis of both individual and aggregate surveillance data over time, with the goal of reducing and ultimately prevent occupational illness and injury. It is the responsibility of the employer to track and monitor employee health during the course of the employment.


Our range of comprehensive, and integrated medical surveillance services include:

  • Exposure assessment
  • Interpretation and notification of test results
  • Occupational health consultation
  • Physical examinations
  • Recordkeeping
  • Selection of personnel for surveillance
  • Selection of screening tests and examination components
  • Written exposure control plan

Potential benefits to employers:

  • Keep the workforce healthy by preventing employees from getting severe disease.
  • Help protect clients, customers, and visitors.
  • Reduce absences due to preventable illness
  • Improve productivity
  • Improve morale, build trust, and be responsive of your employees needs and cultural norms

Potential benefits to employees:

  • Prevent illness and long-term complications.
  • Reduce absences and doctor visits due preventable illness.
  • Help protect family and household members from preventable illness
  • Improve morale